Board of Deacons and Care Ministries
Purpose or Action Statement: Life together becomes meaningful through caring relationships. Our church is characterized by a commitment to support and encourage each other. We believe that shared lives bring forth changed lives. In caring for one another we discover a strength which originates in our Lord Jesus.
Chairperson: Lisa Stuever
Meetings: Place and Times: 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:30
Purpose of Cluster Ministry:
1. To fulfill our church “Grow together through caring relationships”
2. To encourage and love all our members on a regular basis
Annual Activities or Events: Bake cookies for shut-ins, Sponsor Cluster Sunday Rock Soup and salad luncheon, Annual meeting with Session in December: Deacons provide food. Meals to shut in’s and sick, visits shut-ins, gifts for Easter and Christmas visits hospitalized, send cards, telecare ministry, transportation needs, lend hospital equipment to who ever needs it. Prayer ministry, provide memorials or meal for death of member, responsible nursery care and babysitting, cradle roll.