Chairperson: Jeff Sindiong
Alternate contact person: Phyllis Pridemore
Meetings: Place and Times: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm
Purpose or Action Statement: Introduce or reintroduce people to Jesus Christ through His church by praying for them, finding ways to cultivate friendships with them, inviting them to Christ centered activities and events.
Annual Activities or Events: “Soup and Support for the Soul” grief support group, “Just One” seminars on discipleship, Harrison Christmas Parade and various supporting roles for church functions.
Chairperson: Tom Steuver
Alternated contact: Jeff Sindiong
Meetings: As needed
Purpose or Action Statement: Develop and maintain an accessible, informative and interactive church website.
Chairperson: Barry Fury
Alternate contact person: Doug Jones
Meetings: Place and Times: Mostly every 2nd Tuesday of the month, but do meet when a situation should arise that needs immediate attention.
Purpose or Action Statement: Maintain the capital assets of the church, clean building, and property grounds.
Annual Activities or Events: Organize a church wide “landscape day” for the church grounds, and work with all state and local inspectors.